Tire And Wheel Service

Dolly/Stand for 15' & 18' Conveyor

USD $4,771.00

AME for Auto Dealers

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This dolly/stand can be used on different models to move tire conveyors. This product can be utilized for both the 15' and 18' models and makes for easy manipulation and movement of a tire conveyor. This dolly allows for an employee to gain height, making it easier to work. Normally tire conveyors do not have wheels and are fixed to the ground, making it necessary to have this dolly to move the tire conveyor around.



  • Dolly/stand makes for easy transportation of a tire conveyor
  • Can be used on both 15' & 18' model and is adjustable



Dimensions (L x W x H) 108-3/4 x 40 x 107-13/16 inch
Color Black or Negro
Weight approx. 250 lbs