Air Conditioning

ECO-Twist A/C ExtenDye Cartridges

USD $37.00

CPS Automotive - UView, MotorVac, CPS

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Super concentrated dye detects leaks quickly, saving time and money. Works exclusively with the winged Spotgun Jr. and ECO-Twist injection system.



  • Added friction modifier and anti-wear additive improves efficiency and reduces wear.
  • Antioxidant stops acid formation and prolongs oil life.
  • Works exclusively with the winged Spotgun Jr. and ECO-Twist injection systems.
  • SAE Certified for use in R-134a and R-1234yf systems and are Hybrid safe.
  • Six 1 oz. cartridges.



Dimensions (L x W x H) 1.5" x 4.75" x 4.75" inch
Weight approx. .45 lbs