Compressed Air Systems
Champion CFF Grade E High Effiency Oil Removal Filter, 170 SCFM, 1" NPTF Connection
USD $699.00

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Champion's CFL Series Filters provide your compressed air system with premium quality filtration for the three typical contaminant types that are solid particles, condensed water droplets, and liquid oil and oil vapors. The CFL Series filter elements represent state-of-the-art filter design which allows for custom filtration at every installation.
Filter element performance -- Handles bulk inlet loads to 1,000 ppm w/w and provides 0.008 ppm oil aerosol removal and 0.01 micron solid particulate separation.
The 27-CFF170E17AGYTW, 1" NPTF connection matches the Champion Dryer Model CRN125 and CRN150.
- Ease of maintenance due to 1/8" turn, self-locking bayonet head to bowl connection.
- Modular housing on models 20-780 SCFM is standard, saving space and installation time.
- Internal automatic drains provide a reliable discharge of condensate and are pilot operated, pneumatically actuated mechanism.
- Differential pressure gauge standard on models 100-21,250 SCFM which indicates element change out based on differential pressure.
Weight approx. | 6.9 | lbs |
Dimensions (L x W x H) | NA x 5.25 x 19.57 | inch |
27-CFL170C17AGYTW | Champion CFF Grade C Coalescing Filter, 170 SCFM, 1" NPTF Connection | $699.00 | Add to cart |