Car Wash and Detail Systems

Remanufactured Rollover Car Wash with Retract

USD $52,998.00

Broadway Equipment

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The latest technology in "Rollover" car washes, just Remanufactured. This wash is specially designed with car dealers in mind. Retract bar pulls the curtains out of the way, allowing the operator to see while driving through. This hydraulic drive, aluminum frame machine is made for easy operation, minimal maintenance and little if any down time. Better C.S.I. - Dealers have stated that their CSI numbers have climbed by 3.4% since they started washing ALL their clients' vehicles with Broadway's Automatic Car Wash. Capitol Investment Advantage - With no additional usage charges you have stability in your car wash expenses. You can depreciate this asset over 7 years, which is better and cheaper than renting or leasing. Proven Durability - "We have experienced great service out of our unit . . . These units have reduced our cost of cleaning our inventory . . . I would recommend a Broadway Car Wash to every dealer. Edward Goethe - General Manager O.C. Welch Motor Co., Inc. Savannah, GA. Savings Potential - Save thousands over hand washing with Broadway's Automatic Car Wash Equipment.



Dimensions (L x W x H) Call for specifications inch
Power supply 2x 15 hp motors, 60 amps, 3 phase, 208/230 or 460 volt V/Hz/A
Weight approx. 3,500 lbs